Up-to-date accounting reports

Track your finances with accurate accounting reports. And collaborate with your advisor online in real time.

A profit and loss statement, shown with financial reporting software.

Get reports any time

See up-to-date reports when you need them.

Customise your reports

Decide how to present the data in each report.

Compare and calculate

Apply formulas to compare budget versus actuals.

Understand your business

Easily run reports to support decision-making.

Get reports any time

View up-to-date financial and accounting reports and budgets for any period.

  • Included
    View and share a range of reports whenever you need
  • Included
    Drill down into the details with interactive reports and measure specific KPIs
  • Included
    Get quick access to the reports you've marked as favourites

Customise your reports

Tailor the content and layout of your reports with financial reporting software.

  • Included
    Add, remove and reorder rows and columns by dragging and dropping
  • Included
    Add formulas, details and notes to reports and link to report schedules
  • Included
    Add tracking categories to see how different business areas are performing

Compare and calculate

Insert formulas to calculate variances between columns in your reports.

  • Included
    Compare actuals versus budgeted amounts, or actuals versus actuals
  • Included
    Use IF statements in formulas as well as mathematical operators
  • Included
    Present results as percentages with business reporting software

Understand your business

Use Xero’s wide range of standard financial reports to get a good understanding of your business.

  • Included
    Run simple, easy-to-use, built-in reports
  • Included
    Make more informed decisions with financial reporting software
  • Included
    Share and discuss reports and metrics with your advisor
Learn more about tracking business performance with Xero
A small business owner and their accountant both use financial reporting software to view actual versus budgeted costs.

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More about reporting

Create a finalised, read-only version of reports that can't be edited. Archive older reports and restore them later if necessary.

See how to publish reports

Create a finalised, read-only version of reports that can't be edited. Archive older reports and restore them later if necessary.

See how to publish reports

Browse all your reports – whether draft, custom, published or archived – and search them by title, date or author.

See how to search reports

Browse all your reports – whether draft, custom, published or archived – and search them by title, date or author.

See how to search reports

Set a lock date to stop changes being made to transactions relating to a past period when reports are being prepared at the end of the year or at the end of a sales tax period. Only people with the advisor user role can set, change or remove lock dates.

See how to set a lock date

Set a lock date to stop changes being made to transactions relating to a past period when reports are being prepared at the end of the year or at the end of a sales tax period. Only people with the advisor user role can set, change or remove lock dates.

See how to set a lock date

Export reports as a PDF to print or share by email - or export them into a spreadsheet for more analysis or data manipulation.

See how to export reports

Export reports as a PDF to print or share by email - or export them into a spreadsheet for more analysis or data manipulation.

See how to export reports

Start using Xero for free

Access Xero features for 30 days, then decide which plan best suits your business.

The key thing about Xero is the simplicity

Ed uses Xero to run his business.

A baker kneads dough at a bakery.