Get connected with our app integrators
App integrators are experts in recommending and setting up the right software and apps for businesses, based on their individual needs.

Connect apps to Xero
An easier way to integrate complex apps
Connecting apps to Xero can solve complicated problems in amazing ways. With over 1000 apps on offer, integrators can help you choose.
For businesses: Focus on growth
Take your business to the next level in the cloud by integrating apps to help you automate, gain insight and grow.
For Xero partners: Focus on advice
Working with an app integrator could help your practice work more efficiently and strengthen your role as an advisor to your clients.

Our trusted app integrators
These integrators are known to Xero, have served Xero customers over a long period of time, and agreed to high levels of customer service.
Learn how BlueHub can help you connect Xero with other apps to build an integrated business solution.
Learn how LimeCloud can help you connect Xero with other apps to build an integrated business solution.
Learn how Outserve can help you connect Xero with other apps to build an integrated business solution.