Teach your students using Xero
Connect with your students online, anytime, on any device, using Xero’s cloud-based business and accounting software.

Use Xero for teaching
Xero is used by accounting practices, high schools, colleges and universities worldwide. Students gain industry skills with real accounting software.
Find out about using Xero for teaching
Use Xero for studying
Students can use Xero in their accounting, bookkeeping or business studies to prepare for the real world and gain marketable skills.
Find out about using Xero for studying
Get hands on experience with our workbook
Download and complete the workbook for a case study of a fictional business, Xero Leisure. You'll learn how to set up the business in Xero, convert the data from the previous software, carry out day to day bookkeeping and bank reconciliation.
Download the workbook
Start teaching now with a free trial
Teach Xero using the Xero demo company and a free trial. The demo company comes with existing sample data or you can upload your own exercises.
Register for a 30-day free Xero trial
There are specific guidelines for the use of the Xero brand for education purposes.Read guidelines for education providers
Start using Xero for free
Access Xero features for 30 days, then decide which plan best suits your business.