Learn about the PKF Marketing Fund and its benefits
The PKF Marketing Fund is available to all PKF member firms. There’s more information on how and why to apply below.

Before you apply, it’s important to read and understand the following requirements:

Eligibility requirements:
To be eligible for funding, you must:
- Be a PKF firm that has signed an adoption agreement to become a Xero global partner. If you are not a global partner you can find out more about becoming a Xero global partner. Each PKF firm that has signed an adoption agreement will be entitled to $2,000 USD funding for marketing.
- Apply for funding before the 23 September 2023.

How much funding is available?
We’ll cover up to $2,000 USD of your approved marketing activity (including local taxes) until 23 September 2023. Funding can go towards more than one marketing activity, but can’t total more than $2,000 USD.
Once approved, what supporting documents are required?
Make sure you have the following:
- An invoice for the marketing activity (max $2,000 USD including local taxes)*
- Paid vendor invoices
- A link, photo, or screenshot of your completed marketing activity
*Please address invoices to Xero.
First-time applicants from the United States will need:
- Your firm’s W-9
- Bank details in the form of an internet banking screenshot (this needs to state the company’s name and the bank account), a copy of a bank deposit slip, voided check, or a copy of bank statement
*Please address invoices to: Xero Inc., 1615 Platte Street Denver, CO 80202. Payment terms are Net30. US partners pay in USD.
What marketing activities will be approved?
We recommend the following marketing activities:
- Digital and social
- Collateral
- Exterior office and vehicle signage
Co-branded assets have been developed to make life easier, such as social assets, co-branded collateral, and global partner logos for signage. Please contact your account manager for a copy of these assets.
There are a number of other activities that qualify for funding. At a minimum, all marketing activity must include the Xero global partner logo.
What marketing activities will not be approved?
There are also marketing activities that don’t qualify for funding.
How should the Xero global partner badge be used?
The Xero global partner badge has been designed for use on promotional materials. To see how to use the Xero global partner badge correctly, please refer to the Xero global partner guidelines. Please follow the guidelines when choosing sizes, clear space, logo colors, badges, and ribbons.
*Note: The Xero logo cannot be used by itself.
Related documents
When conducting any co-branded marketing, please reference the following:

Is help available?
If you can’t find the support you need here, please contact your Xero account manager.
The legal need-to-knows
Staying within the law
All advertisements must comply with applicable laws.It is the partner’s responsibility to ensure all activities comply with these laws. Advertisements must not breach another person’s copyright or other intellectual property rights.
Promoting Xero
Any marketing activity that promotes Xero or is funded in part or whole by Xero, must be Xero-specific and cannot mention other accounting software products. Xero’s branding must appear in all activities and needs to follow Xero’s brand guidelines.
Your legal liability
Approval of an activity by Xero does not imply acknowledgment of legal compliance.
Your responsibilities
Marketing activities must not bring Xero into disrepute or be misleading or deceptive in any way.
Application form
Read the marketing fund guidelines, brand guidelines, and legal requirements, before applying.