How to prepare your practice for MTD for ITSA

Discover everything you need to know about preparing your practice for Making Tax Digital for Income Tax Self Assessment (MTD for ITSA).

  • Included
    Educate your employees on the changes
  • Included
    Segment your client base for ITSA
  • Included
    Prepare your Agent Services Account for ITSA

Download your MTD for ITSA guide

Our guide covers three practical steps you can take to start preparing your practice today, along with tips and advice from Xero partners.

I love the fact that Xero is thinking ahead and there is often a solution to these things quite a long time before it’s legally required.

David Munro, Managing Director, Munro & Partners

Prepare your practice

Our easy-to-follow guide outlines how to prepare your practice for MTD for ITSA and why it’s a great opportunity for growth.

Cover of five easy steps guide

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