Discover how to increase the value of your practice

If you're considering selling your accounting practice, it's important you act early to maximise its value. Read our guide to learn how.

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Our guide explores

Practical steps to prepare for selling

Discover how to digitise your firm and why it’s attractive to potential buyers.

How to command a higher price for your firm

Find out how to increase efficiency, productivity and profitability to boost the value of your practice.

Future-proofing your practice

It's important to stay relevant in this ever changing landscape as buyers are looking for modern practices.

Download the guide

Access our guide to discover how to increase the value of your accounting or bookkeeping practice.

If you’re not on the cloud, you’re not attractive to buyers,” says Brian Munjanja of Broadwing Accountancy, who recently acquired Merryhill Accountancy Services from founder Louise Partridge. “Because looking from the outside in, there’s too much work to do.

Brian Munjanja, Broadwing Accountancy

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