Purchase order software that’s easy to use

Create and send digital purchase orders with the purchase order software in Xero. Keep track of orders and deliveries at every step using cloud-based software.

Xero’s digital purchase order system displays on the dashboard.

Customize your purchase orders

Tailor the layout of your purchase orders and set up the purchase order system to use your own order numbers.

Create online purchase orders

Make use of templates to create digital purchase orders, add items, then email them to suppliers as PDFs.

Convert purchase orders into bills

Once you’ve received the goods you ordered, turn the purchase order into a bill that you need to pay.

Customize your purchase orders

Set up and customize templates using the purchase order software in Xero.

  • Included
    Tailor the layout, font, logo and details included
  • Included
    Set up the order numbers you want to use

Create online purchase orders

Prepare, send and track orders with the purchase order functionality in the Xero software. Say goodbye to manual purchasing processes.

  • Included
    Create purchase orders from a template or by copying a previous one
  • Included
    Select standard inventory items to add them to a purchase order
  • Included
    Email approved purchase orders as PDF files, or print and post

Convert purchase orders into bills

Simplify the purchasing process by turning purchase orders into bills for payment, or into invoices to recoup costs.

  • Included
    Convert purchase orders into bills when you receive the items and bill from a supplier
  • Included
    Record if the supplier only delivers part of an order, and add notes
  • Included
    Convert a purchase order into an invoice if you’re onselling or on-charging

More about purchase orders

See which orders have been sent, which have been filled and billed by the supplier, and which are unfilled. Use the purchase order software in Xero to add notes to a purchase order, see where and when to expect delivery, or to update expected delivery dates.

See how to add notes or arrival dates

See which orders have been sent, which have been filled and billed by the supplier, and which are unfilled. Use the purchase order software in Xero to add notes to a purchase order, see where and when to expect delivery, or to update expected delivery dates.

See how to add notes or arrival dates

Limit who can approve, email and delete purchase orders through the purchase order system. You choose who has full access and whose access is limited.

See user role access to purchases in Xero

Limit who can approve, email and delete purchase orders through the purchase order system. You choose who has full access and whose access is limited.

See user role access to purchases in Xero

Start using Xero for free

Access Xero features for 30 days, then decide which plan best suits your business.

Xero was the piece in the puzzle that solved going paperless

Dan uses Xero to stay on top of the books at Old Hall Inn

A brewer fills a keg with beer