Xero for your football club

Xero helps football grow by providing subscription discounts, guides, and training resources for clubs.

A women player kicks a ball high in the air on club grounds, and a series of bar charts of increasing height.

Receive a discount on Xero accounting software

Get the football club discount

Football and soccer clubs are eligible for Xero’s not-for-profit discount of 25% off their monthly subscription.

Sign up to Xero now

Existing customer?

If you’re an existing customer, raise a case on Xero Central to have the discount applied.

See how to contact Xero Support and raise a case
Charts on the Xero dashboard, a 25% off sign, and a banner that says ‘Go Team’

Benefits for clubs of using Xero

Xero can help your club with better numbers on and off the field.

  • Included
    Access financial information anytime, anywhere, on any device as long as you have an internet connection
  • Included
    Use Xero bank feeds to get bank transactions into Xero without data entry. Transactions automatically flow into Xero daily, ready for reconciliation
  • Included
    Reduce data entry time spent entering bills
  • Included
    Automate emails, bills or Hubdoc integrations when sending bills to Xero, so data is populated with minimal data entry
Benefits for NZ football clubs (PDF)
A football coach checks Xero and sees up-to-date charts and figures.

Help managing club finances and admin

Xero online accounting software is the perfect solution for managing your football club’s accounts and finances.

Managing your club's finances and cash flow

Our guide covers the basics of how to master financial management for your club

Find out more

Creating a small business budget

Here’s everything you need to know about making a small business budget for your club

Learn more

Videos: Discover what Xero can do

Our video series highlights the key features that can make managing finances a dream.

Watch the videos

Educational courses on club finances

Watch these five club-specific courses to help you set your club up for success.

See the course outlines
Charts on the Xero dashboard and a football

Guides and resources for football clubs

Xero provides a range of free guides and other resources to help clubs run smoothly written in collaboration with Lewes FC.

Deciding on the digital tools to help your club succeed

This guide outlines how Lewes FC went about choosing and getting started with software tools and devices to help run their club.

Guide to tools for clubs

Eight operational tasks to master as a football club

Learn which operational and admin tasks are most important for football clubs.

Guide to operational tasks to master

Matchday management for grassroots football clubs

Make match day a great experience for everyone involved with the help of this guide and checklist for managing match day.

Guide to managing matchday
Two team coaches outline game strategy at a blackboard

Using Xero for football club accounts and finances

Get guidance on using Xero to manage your football club’s accounts and finances, improve its financial health, and help grow the game.

Xero playbook for football clubs
The cover page of the PDF version of the Xero playbook for football clubs.

Supporting football whānau in Aotearoa

Xero partners with New Zealand Football to support clubs with better numbers off the field. The partnership includes the Xero Together Stronger – Club Support programme which provides resources and support for local football clubs, setting the benchmark nationwide.

Read more about the programme
Women players from Manukau United FC stand together in front of a football goal, smiling to camera.

Operating sustainably

For tips on how to make your club as green as grass, check out these resources.

Support for sustainability
Grass and flowers on a sunny day.