The Agri Check-In

The Agri Check-In gives agricultural business owners some simple actions to introduce wellbeing into their operations.

Why wellbeing is so important

Our physical and emotional health as well as mental and spiritual wellbeing are key to happiness, contentment and being productive. It makes sense for our nation as well. Every dollar spent on mental health services in New Zealand repays the nation with $3.50 in productivity gains and other savings.

The difference the workplace can make

Workplaces can play a central role in building people’s resilience and positive wellbeing, so they can better cope with setbacks, take advantage of opportunities, and make valuable contributions as members of families, communities and workplaces.

It makes financial sense to consider wellbeing as well. New research from the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research has found that, for every single dollar you spend on staff wellbeing initiatives, you can earn up to $12 back on your investment within a year, due to increased productivity.

What is The Agri Check-In?

The Agri Check-In is a five-step series to help support you and your workers to thrive based on advice from New Zealand health and wellbeing experts. It takes the guesswork out of how to get started, with a checklist that’s focused on the wellness of those working in the agriculture sector. The best part is, it’s easy to implement and doesn’t need to cost anything.

Here's how it works

Step 1. Getting to know your team

Having genuine face-to-face conversations in person or on video calls can help you understand your team members, who they are and what makes them tick.

Step 2: Fostering connections within your team

Helping your team build connections with one another helps them maintain a healthy outlook on life and is a crucial part of their overall wellbeing.

Step 3: Supporting others to look after themselves

From exercise to making healthy life choices, there are plenty of habits employers can encourage their employees to pick up in order to make a positive change in their lives.

Step 4: Making it okay to ask for help

Foster an environment that empowers your team to ask for professional help before they really need it.

Step 5: Making a long term commitment to wellbeing

Consider creating a personalised wellbeing plan or establishing wellbeing policies to show your dedication to fostering a culture of wellbeing.

Download The Agri Check-In now

Start building a culture of positive wellbeing in your workplace today.

Find out more about workplace wellbeing

Small Business Wellbeing Report

Because we take wellbeing seriously at Xero, in 2019, we worked with the Mental Health Foundation to investigate wellbeing across the Kiwi small business sector. That work resulted in the Small Business Wellbeing Report.

Xero Assistance Programme

The Xero Assistance Programme (XAP) provides free and confidential wellbeing support to approximately 850,000 Kiwi small business owners, their employees and families.

The Next Level

If you’re interested in the financial benefits of wellbeing and digitisation, The Next Level guide takes a deeper look at the economics behind wellbeing.

The Check In

Based on advice from New Zealand health and wellbeing experts, The Check-In is a five-step series to help improve small business wellbeing in a way that’s easy and cost-free to implement.

Where to get help

Getting help for your workplace and employees

Building an open environment where you and your employees feel safe and empowered to make the right calls where mental wellbeing is concerned is a very positive, beneficial achievement that all Kiwi businesses can aspire to.

Xero customers have access to free and 100% confidential wellbeing support through the Xero Assistance Programme, which offers employees and their families access to free face-to-face, telephone, live chat, and online counselling. If you’re a Xero customer, make sure your staff and their families know how to access the programme.

Consider what your business’s long-term wellbeing plan needs to be. By making small changes over time, you can make a big difference to your team’s life and to your business.

Farmstrong is an initiative designed to give farmers the skills and resources to live well, farm well and get the most out of life.

A free online tool for small-medium sized workplaces, including a step-by-step guide for changing your workplace environment and culture.

A website providing practical tools, ideas and resources to build wellbeing in your workplace. Developed by the Health Promotion Agency.

Provides access to a wealth of information about workplace wellbeing and general mental health.

Provides free resources, mentoring, networking opportunities and accreditation to support workplaces to ‘work better through wellbeing’.

New Zealand’s work health and safety regulator provides a wide range of information and guidance about health & safety in the workplace.

Employer Advice Line

The Employer Advice Line provides free advice for employers and managers about how to support team members with a disability or health condition, including mental health.

Phone 0800 805 405 (8am to 6pm weekdays)

Getting personal support

Just a Thought is a free online cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) tool, specially designed for New Zealand people. Easy to use, online courses, provide New Zealanders with valuable skills and CBT techniques to support the different challenges we can face with our mental health.

Government healthlines

Phone Healthline on 0800 611 116 for help from a registered nurse, 24/7.

If you need to talk to someone, Free text or call 1737, 24 hours a day.

Start using Xero for free

Access Xero features for 30 days, then decide which plan best suits your business.