Start payday filing with Xero today

Online payroll software from Xero automates payday filing of each pay run by seamlessly integrating with Inland Revenue.

A business owner does the pay run on their laptop.

Payday filing explained

Payday filing is the way businesses report employee pay information. Every time staff are paid, employee pay information needs to be filed to Inland Revenue within two days.

A list of employees to be paid, together with the amount, displays in Xero.

How payday filing works in Xero

After a one-off connection is established with IR, employee payroll details are filed automatically every time a pay run is completed in Xero Payroll.

A rainbow arches between Xero and an Inland Revenue office building.

Easy setup of payday filing in Xero

You’ll be prompted to establish a one-off connection with Inland Revenue in Xero Payroll. If multiple people are posting pay runs, each person sets up their own connection with their own myIR login.

Arrows show the payroll workflow between a  payroll administrator, manager and employee.

More about payday filing

Learn how to pay employees quickly and accurately with Xero Payroll and save time by automatically filing employee pay details with Inland Revenue.

Take the Xero Payroll course

Learn how to pay employees quickly and accurately with Xero Payroll and save time by automatically filing employee pay details with Inland Revenue.

Take the Xero Payroll course

If your business has a myIR account, you can connect to it directly from Xero and authorise payday filing. New companies need to contact IR to register as an employer and set up a myIR account. Each user needs their own myIR login.

See how to set up payday filing in Xero

If your business has a myIR account, you can connect to it directly from Xero and authorise payday filing. New companies need to contact IR to register as an employer and set up a myIR account. Each user needs their own myIR login.

See how to set up payday filing in Xero

Payroll filing works much like GST e-filing in Xero. A direct connection between Xero Payroll and Inland Revenue allows customers to automatically file pay information after each pay run.

See how payday filing in Xero works

Payroll filing works much like GST e-filing in Xero. A direct connection between Xero Payroll and Inland Revenue allows customers to automatically file pay information after each pay run.

See how payday filing in Xero works

You can correct an error in a payroll filing any time before the next pay run is started, though ideally a pay run shouldn’t be reverted or changed. Instead, corrections could be done in an unscheduled pay run or included in the next pay run.

See how to amend a pay run

You can correct an error in a payroll filing any time before the next pay run is started, though ideally a pay run shouldn’t be reverted or changed. Instead, corrections could be done in an unscheduled pay run or included in the next pay run.

See how to amend a pay run

If a filing fails, Xero sends an email to the payroll admin(s) to advise of the error. Once the issue has been corrected, the pay run can be re-filed. If Inland Revenue's system is down, Xero queues the filing until they are back up and running.

See how to handle common issues with payday filing

If a filing fails, Xero sends an email to the payroll admin(s) to advise of the error. Once the issue has been corrected, the pay run can be re-filed. If Inland Revenue's system is down, Xero queues the filing until they are back up and running.

See how to handle common issues with payday filing

An employee’s date of birth (or an estimate) is needed to manage KiwiSaver obligations for employees under 18 and over 64. Note that though employers cannot ask for employees’ date of birth during hiring, they can once an employee is hired.

An employee’s date of birth (or an estimate) is needed to manage KiwiSaver obligations for employees under 18 and over 64. Note that though employers cannot ask for employees’ date of birth during hiring, they can once an employee is hired.

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