Xero cash flow calculator

This calculator helps you to forecast the cash flow of your business from month to month.

What are your projected monthly cash inflows?


What is the total value of your unpaid invoices?


What are your projected monthly cash outflows?


Your cash flow is: To be calculated

Cash flow is the net amount of money being transferred into and out of your business.

Monthly cash inflow

Cash inflow is the money coming into your business.

Monthly cash outflow

Cash outflow is the money coming out of your business.

Monthly Cash flow inflow

Monthly Cash flow outflow

Potential cash flow

Potential cash flow is your net cash flow if all your invoices are paid on time.

Get a real-time view of net cash flow if all your invoices are paid on time. Start a 30 day free trial

Money matters report: The impact of economic conditions on the cash flow of Canadian small businesses

The 2023 ‘Money matters’ report shows that most CA small businesses are impacted but remain financially confident despite high inflation and supply chain issues. See how Xero can help you better manage your cash flow.

  • Included
    1 in 3 Canadian businesses have employed accounting software like Xero as a core cash flow tool.
  • Included
    4 in 5 small businesses report a level of confidence in their financial wellbeing and state that cash flow is a priority.
Read the Money matters report

Plans to suit your business

All pricing plans cover the accounting essentials, with room to grow.


Usually $20

Now $2

CAD per month

Save $108 over 6 months


Usually $48

Now $4.80

CAD per month

Save $259.20 over 6 months


Usually $67

Now $6.70

CAD per month

Save $361.80 over 6 months

Start using Xero for free

Access Xero features for 30 days, then decide which plan best suits your business.