Top stories
Strategic partnership with Avalara
Xero announced a new strategic partnership with Avalara, the automated tax compliance software specialists.
Discover more about AvalaraTaxCycle integration
The TaxCycle integration is being expanded to include T1 Income Statements, which are used to prepare Personal (T1) Income Tax Returns.
TaxCycle integration with XeroBMO Partnership
Xero announced a new partnership with BMO Financial Group that will enable automatic transaction syncing between BMO and Xero.
Read the Xero blog
Hubdoc bank statement extraction US & CA
A new feature in Hubdoc extracts transaction data from a PDF bank statement and converts it into a CSV, pre-formatted to import into Xero.
About data extraction in Hubdoc
XSBI Special Report
We’re extending our Xero Small Business Insights program to the United States and Canada.
Xero Small Business Insights
Other announcements
LOCATE & Xero Inventory-US
Inventory management is an important focus area to meet the needs of small goods based businesses in the US.
LOCATE InventoryApp integration with Countable
Xero announced a new integration with our app partner Countable — a working paper automation and management tool.
Find out more about Countable
Reflections from Xerocon
Hollie Thomas reflects on Xerocon as the week she will “never forget”
Read more on our unforgettable event
Xerocon photo gallery
Relive the event and download photos to share on social with our Xerocon NOLA photo gallery!
Look at our smiling faces
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