How to connect AmpolCard to Xero
Connect your AmpolCard account to Xero to have your fuel expenses sent automatically into Xero each month.

How to connect to Xero
AmpolCard is the easy way to save money, save time and earn business rewards in the process.
By linking your AmpolCard account to Xero, you can save even more time with your fuel expenses sent to Xero each month.
Each time Ampol sends you a AmpolCard statement, a copy of the data is fed directly into Xero, along with a copy of the tax invoice. There’s no charge to integrate your AmpolCard account with Xero, and no change to how you currently pay your AmpolCard statement.
How to get started:
- Log into your myAmpol account. (Not yet registered for myAmpol? Click here.)
- Click on ‘Fuel Cards’ in the top left menu.
- In Fuel Cards, click on ‘Accounts & Transactions’.
- Click on ‘Connect to Xero’ and authorise access to your Xero account.
This service is available to eligible AmpolCard account holders who receive monthly statement tax invoices. To link your AmpolCard and Xero accounts you must have a Fuel Cards account that is linked to one AmpolCard account only.
Start using Xero for free
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