How payroll software can simplify payroll management

Get our white paper and learn how online payroll software can take the stress out of your payroll process.

An employer prepared payroll for three staff members.

If you’re overwhelmed by payroll, join the club. It’s little wonder that online payroll software is now so popular.

A person surrounded by payroll receipts with green ticks on them, indicating staff have been paid.

What this white paper looks at

The paper looks at challenges small businesses face with payroll and how online software can simplify the process.

Two pages of the downloadable white paper that looks at why small businesses are rethinking payroll management.

Automating payroll for more time

Many labour-intensive and time-critical tasks, like payroll, can now be fully or partly automated with online apps.

A hand holding a mobile phone with a screen showing green ticks beside people who have been paid.

The majority of employers try to do the right thing when paying staff. Small businesses can sometimes have issues due to manual payroll processes, where the likelihood of error is much higher.

Matthew Prouse, Head of Industry, Xero Australia

Headshot of Matthew Prouse, Head of Industry, Xero Australia

Payroll and tech come together

This white paper will give you a sense for what online payroll software does, and why it’s now proving so popular.

Download whitepaper (PDF)
An accountant holding a calculator and a small business owner sit across from each other at a table.

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