Xero Small Business Insights (XSBI)

We use anonymised and aggregated data to track the performance of, and improve understanding about, small businesses.

XSBI radial graphic

Approach and methodology

Our analysis focuses on several core performance metrics. Learn more about our methodology

  • Sales growth

    Key metric of small business financial performance and overall activity in the small business economy.

  • Time to be paid

    Key metric showing how long businesses wait for payment, offering insights on customer health and cash flow.

  • Late payments

    Key metric showing how long small businesses are waiting to be paid, past the due date for each invoice.

  • Jobs growth

    Key metric showing small business growth and its impact on the broader economy and community.

  • Wages growth

    Key metric showing how small business success benefits employees and flows into the broader economy.

Latest analysis

The Xero Small Business Insights program tracks performance in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, the US, and Canada. Download the latest data (ZIP file)

Small business research hub

For deeper insights and analysis, explore the latest commentary, research, and data from the global small business sector.

About Xero Small Business Insights

A quick introduction to Xero Small Business Insights

Find out more about XSBI

If you have any questions about Xero Small Business Insights, reach out to us.