Veldskoen was built on a dream to bring Mzansi magic to the world

Nick and Ross were introduced to Xero by their accounting partner Iridium, giving them real-time business insights.

Nick Dreyer and Ross Zondagh sit beside one another smiling.

As long as you don’t quit your day-job

On a six-hour road trip, Nick Dreyer and Ross Zondagh debated what the most iconic South African piece of clothing could be, and landed on a veldskoen. With no background in the footwear business, they decided to launch Veldskoen shoes to bring some South African-ness to the rest of the world.

Watch Veldskoen’s story

Veldskoen were a bit boring and needed a bit of Mzansi magic, a bit of colour.

Ross Zondagh — Veldskoen

Small interventions, big results

With a background in inventory management, logistics and operations, Driekie Zondagh joined Veldskoen, where she found that small interventions could make a big difference in this growing business.

Working with their accounting partner Iridium Business Solutions, Veldskoen migrated to Xero to manage their sales, account for expenses and get a real-time overview of the profitability of their business.

Veldskoen team working at a desk.

We have absolute peace of mind. At any point in time we can log on and get accurate information.

Driekie Zondagh — Veldskoen

Driekie working at desk using Xero.

You can learn more about Veldskoen on their website.

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