Do international business in multiple currencies

Pay and get paid in over 160 currencies with the multi-currency accounting software in Xero. Make international business accounting simple for your Irish business with up-to-date exchange rates and instant currency conversions.

A mobile phone shows multi-currency accounting through invoices and bills.

Instant currency conversions

Xero converts international business transactions for you and records them in your accounting software.

View exchange rate changes

See how changes in exchange rates and foreign currency markets affect your cash flow or profit.

Report in multiple foreign currencies

View reports in local or foreign currencies to see how your international business is performing.

Instant currency conversions

Xero’s multi-currency accounting software can process international business transactions for your Irish business in over 160 currencies.

  • Included
    Send invoices, quotes and purchase orders in multiple currencies
  • Included
    Receive bills and payments in any foreign currency
  • Included
    Set up foreign exchange bank accounts and feeds

View exchange rate changes

See how fluctuations in international exchange rates affect your cash flow and profit.

  • Included
    Exchange rates are updated hourly and balances revalued
  • Included
    View gains and losses in Xero’s multi-currency accounting software
  • Included
    See your total foreign currency exposure at any time

Report in multiple foreign currencies

Create local and foreign currency reports with multi-currency accounting software.

  • Included
    See account balances in the profit and loss report and the balance sheet
  • Included
    View any transaction, invoice, or bill in a foreign currency
  • Included
    Get a report showing the balances of all active currencies in local and foreign currency, and your foreign currency exposure

More about multi-currency accounting

Assign a default foreign currency to specific contacts. When you create invoices or quotes, receive payments, bills or send purchase orders, they’re in the right currency for that contact. You can change the currency on individual transactions using Xero’s multi-currency accounting software.

See how to set a default foreign currency for a contact

Assign a default foreign currency to specific contacts. When you create invoices or quotes, receive payments, bills or send purchase orders, they’re in the right currency for that contact. You can change the currency on individual transactions using Xero’s multi-currency accounting software.

See how to set a default foreign currency for a contact

Use the automatic exchange rate from to calculate currency conversions when you’re invoicing, quoting or creating other kinds of transaction. Or you can do it manually.

See how to edit an exchange rate on a transaction

Use the automatic exchange rate from to calculate currency conversions when you’re invoicing, quoting or creating other kinds of transaction. Or you can do it manually.

See how to edit an exchange rate on a transaction

Start using Xero for free

Access Xero features for 30 days, then decide which plan best suits your business.

Xero became a really critical tool for us as we took on more staff.

Kate uses Xero to run her business.

Two bakers preparing dough.