Depo Ogunruku of Outsourced Finance strives to make finance transformation accessible to SMMEs

As a digital accountant Depo Ogunruku uses Xero to automate as much as possible in her clients’ business.

Depo Ogunruku of Outsourced Finance smiling in armchair.

Finance as the silver string

Digital accountant Depo Ogunruku started her business 100% on Xero, solving client’s needs through technology by looking at their business processes and not just accounting requirements. From the point-of-sale to the point-of-delivery, every single part of the business touches finance.

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The problem SMMEs are facing is that they don’t have access to knowledge of finance transformation and strategy at an affordable price.

Depo Ogunruku — Outsourced Finance

Accountant working at their desk.

Xero is not built for accountants, and that’s why I love it. It’s built for small business owners. Those are the people we really want to empower.

Depo Ogunruku — Outsourced Finance

You can learn more about Outsourced Finance on their website.

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